Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bad Decisions— Jennifer Weiner

“The thing about bad decisions is that they don´t feel like bad decisions when you´re making them. They feel like the obvious choice, the of-course-that-makes-sense move. They feel, somehow, inevitable."

Jennifer Weiner
Then Came You

Keywords for this Quote:

Decision, Mistake, Bad choices, Wrong, Choices,



Weiner, Jennifer. (2012). Then Came You. UK: Simon & Schuster.
Fiction. Print. Page 280

My Thoughts about this Quote:

If we only could know beforehand that a decision is bad....

Or would that really be good? How would we learn without mistakes and bad decisions? What kind of a life would life be without them?


More Background Information for this Quote:

Author: Jennifer Weiner
Title: Then Came You
Language: English
Genres: Women's Fiction, Domestic Life, Family Life, Contemporary Women
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 400
On Page: 280
Publisher: Simon & Schuster (2012, UK)
ISBN-10: 9781451617733
ISBN-13: 9781451617733

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