Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Standing up — Dirty Dancing

“there are people willing to stand up for other people no matter what it costs them."

Johnny (Patrick Swayze)
Dirty Dancing


Good, People, Integrity, Courage, Character,


Gottlieb, Linda (Producer), Ardolino, Emile (Director). (1987). Dirty Dancing [Motion Picture]. USA: Lions Gate.

My Thoughts:

It takes a lot of courage, integrity, will and honesty to stand alone against a group to defend somebody else.

Standing up for other people when they need it. It's an irreplaceable and priceless action.

More Background Information:

Title: Dirty Dancing
Producers: Doro Bachrach (associate producer), Eleanor Bergstein (co-producer), Mitchell Cannold (executive producer), Linda Gottlieb (producer) Steven Reuther (executive producer)
Director: Emile Ardolino
Writers: Eleanor Bergstein
Language: English
Genres: Romance, Musicals, Drama, Music
Category: Motion Picture, (DVD)
Run Time: 105 Minutes
Studio: Lions Gate (1987), USA
On Amazon

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