Thursday, June 02, 2016

The Right to Learn — Ivan Illich

“for most men the right to learn is curtailed by the obligation to attend school."

Ivan Illich
Deschooling society


School, Education, Rights, Learn, Learning, Obligation


Illich, Ivan. (2000). Deschooling society. London: Marion Boyers Publishers Ltd.
Non-Fiction. Print. In Introduction.

My Thoughts:

Hmmm, yes, the right to learn versus the obligation to attend school.

Do we really learn the most necessary things (for our lives) in school?

Why does learning have to result in obligatory schools?

Schools are meant to prepare for the future and for the practical life. But is school really that practical and how can one know what the future brings?

Why does everybody have to fit into the same mold?


More Background Information:

Author: Ivan Illich
Title: Deschooling society
Language: English
Genres: Education, Teaching, Schools, Education Theory, Philosophy, Social Aspects, Politics, Social Sciences, Sociology, Government, Non-Fiction
Series: Open Forum S
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 150
On Page: Introduction
Publisher: Marion Boyers Publishers Ltd (2000, London)
ISBN-10: 0714508799
ISBN-13: 9780714508795
Edition: First published 1971. New edition edition.
On Amazon

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