Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Being Strong — Dean Koontz

“no one should ever have to be so strong."

Dean Koontz
Winter Moon


Strong, Need


Koontz, Dean. (1994). Winter Moon. London: Headline Book Publishing.
Fiction. Print. Page 55

My Thoughts:

We get into rough situations, and life can be really tough. And there is the thought that "no one should have to be so strong". But who will make certain that nobody has to be stronger than is humanly possible, who could guarantee that nobody has to carry more than they can bear? We can try to be there for each other, but we can't really do more than that.

More Background Information:

Author: Dean Koontz
Title: Winter Moon
Language: English
Genres: Fiction, Horror, Thriller, Suspense
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 472
On Page: 55
Publisher: Headline Book Publishing (1994, London)
ISBN-10: 0747242895
ISBN-13: 9780747242895
On Amazon

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