“envy was mental theft. If you coveted another man's possessions... then you should be willing to take on his responsibilities, heartaches, and troubles along with his money."
Envy, Theft, Possession, Responsibilities, Feeling, Trouble, MoneySource:
Koontz, Dean. (1994). Winter Moon. London: Headline Book Publishing.Fiction. Print. Page 3
My Thoughts:
This is one of the reasons why one should not envy others. Whatever one envies there is also so much more behind that persons life. If one realizes that there are always some burdens or bad sides, one doesn't realize the good things that oneself has already. The source of envy is always only one side of things, and one never fully know what lays behind that.More Background Information:
Author: Dean KoontzTitle: Winter Moon
Language: English
Genres: Fiction, Horror, Thriller, Suspense
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 472
On Page: 3
Publisher: Headline Book Publishing (1994, London)
ISBN-10: 0747242895
ISBN-13: 9780747242895
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