Monday, May 09, 2016

Fragile Body — Dean Koontz

“Worse than the pain was the sense of violation and vulnerability, a terrible frantic awareness of the true fragility of the human body."

Dean Koontz
Winter Moon


Fragility, Violation, Pain, Vulnerability


Koontz, Dean. (1994). Winter Moon. London: Headline Book Publishing.
Fiction. Print. Page 17

My Thoughts:

This describes the feeling of humanity, when you are hurt and you realize how fragile you really are. It's when it hits you how easily you can die, just like everybody else.. and how passing and fleeting life really is.

More Background Information:

Author: Dean Koontz
Title: Winter Moon
Language: English
Genres: Fiction, Horror, Thriller, Suspense
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 472
On Page: 17
Publisher: Headline Book Publishing (1994, London)
ISBN-10: 0747242895
ISBN-13: 9780747242895
On Amazon

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