Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Books are — Lauren Oliver

[About Books]
“Some of them are webs; you can feel your way along their threads, but just barely, into strange and dark corners. Some of them are balloons bobbing up through the sky: totally self-contained, and unreachable, but beautiful to watch. And some of them - the best ones - are doors."

Lauren Oliver


Books, Imagination, Knowledge, Stories,


Oliver, Lauren. (2012). Pandemonium. London: Hodder & Stroughton Ltd.
Fiction. Print. Page 152

My Thoughts:

What is the role of books and stories?

What do they give to us? What do we get from them? Why are we reading them? Why have they had such an important role in history?

How do books give us knowledge?


More Background Information:

Author: Lauren Oliver
Title: Pandemonium
Language: English
Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Romance, Teens
Series:  Delirium Trilogy (Second Book)
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 400
On Page: 152
Publisher: Hodder & Stroughton Ltd (2012, London)
ISBN-10: 0061978078
ISBN-13: 9780061978074
On Amazon

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