“Those bastards on the TV news, they always have to show you the blood, get the ratings."
Bad News, News, TV, Blood, RatingsSource:
Koontz, Dean. (1994). Winter Moon. London: Headline Book Publishing.Fiction. Print. Page 56
My Thoughts:
So often when I watch the news I am shocked (for example) about how much information is given on the background of victis or attackers. I understand, that news sell better with content like "he was only 17!", but what about the friends and near ones of the person in question. What about sensibilty and compassion?More Background Information:
Author: Dean KoontzTitle: Winter Moon
Language: English
Genres: Fiction, Horror, Thriller, Suspense
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 472
On Page: 56
Publisher: Headline Book Publishing (1994, London)
ISBN-10: 0747242895
ISBN-13: 9780747242895
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