Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Fashionable Lack of Caring — Dean Koontz

“it's not fashionable to give a damn these days."

Dean Koontz
Winter Moon


Time, Feeling, Giving a Damn, Caring, Fashionable,


Koontz, Dean. (1994). Winter Moon. London: Headline Book Publishing.
Fiction. Print. Page 6

My Thoughts:

Caring, giving a damn, showing concern or interest... can that really be "not fashionable"? Probably, when rough, tough and hard men are ideolized.

In this novel the person in question saying this is a cop. Can you imagine being happy if a cop would start to cry when delivering bad news?

More Background Information:

Author: Dean Koontz
Title: Winter Moon
Language: English
Genres: Fiction, Horror, Thriller, Suspense
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 472
On Page: 6
Publisher: Headline Book Publishing (1994, London)
ISBN-10: 0747242895
ISBN-13: 9780747242895
On Amazon

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