Monday, April 18, 2016

Childbearing feelings — James Alexander Thom

“a woman´s feelings are at their most unsettled, their most skittish, when she is full of the humors of childbearing."

James Alexander Thom
Follow the River


Feeling, Woman, Child, Pregnant, Baby, Skittish, Pregnancy


Thom, James Alexander. (1983). Follow the River. Ballantine Books (Random House)
Fiction. Print. Page 2

My Thoughts:

How does pregnancy effect the feelings and the thinking of women? Here is one answer. These are the thoughts of Mary Ingles in the novel. And if woman's feeling are a little over the place when pregnant then that is no wonder. In a pregnant woman's life so much is changing: the future, her body, her hormones and even her feelings and cravings. That must all just confuse one more.


More Background Information:

Author: James Alexander Thom
Title: Follow the River
Language: English
Genres: Historical, Biographical, Family Saga, Women's Adventure
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 406
On Page: 2
Publisher: Ballantine Books (1983) (Random House)
ISBN-10: 0345338545
ISBN-13: 9780345338549
On Amazon

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