Sunday, April 17, 2016

Thinking about Wife — James Alexander Thom

“I wonder if most men pass as much time as I do with their heads full of their wives"

James Alexander Thom
Follow the River


Wife, Husband, Love, Thoughts, Time, Marriage


Thom, James Alexander. (1983). Follow the River. Ballantine Books (Random House)
Fiction. Print. Page 18

My Thoughts:

This are the thoughts of William about his thoughts about his wife Mary Ingles in the book "Follow the River". And we have to remember that everything we intebret and think is always from our perspective, from our background. Really, how could we know what others really think or if they think like you. Of course there are (amongst others) texts and conversation about what others think, but even those we can analyse only fro our own viewpoint.

Anyhow, this is a really cute husband spendig so much time thinking about his lovely wife, that he wonders if other men do that as well. Could a marriage really be any better?


More Background Information:

Author: James Alexander Thom
Title: Follow the River
Language: English
Genres: Historical, Biographical, Family Saga, Women's Adventure
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 406
On Page: 18
Publisher: Ballantine Books (1983) (Random House)
ISBN-10: 0345338545
ISBN-13: 9780345338549
On Amazon

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