Saturday, April 16, 2016

Falling in love — Laura Hardy

[about falling in love] she remembered that excited, elated feeling of discovery, the sudden sense that the world had taken on a new dimension."

Laura Hardy
Dark Fantasy


Falling in love, Feeling, Romance, Discovery


Hardy, Laura. (1982). Dark Fantasy. Silhoulette Books.
Fiction. Print. Page 37-38

My Thoughts:

How would you describe the feeling of falling in love? How does it feel and how does it change the person in question? Here is one describtion that highlights the feeling of finding and realizing something new, the feeling of discovery. The feeling that there is more to te world than what one saw before. 


More Background Information:

Author: Laura Hardy
Title: Dark Fantasy
Language: English
Genres: Romance, Contemporary Romance
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 188
On Page: 37-38
Publisher: Silhoulette Books (1982)
ISBN-10: 0671571842
ISBN-13: 9780671571849
Edition: Dark Fantasy (Silhouette Romance #184)
On Amazon

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