Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Owing someone — Madeleine Hunter

“We can choose what we owe to an idea or to a person."

Madeleine Hunter
The Rules of Seduction


Idea, Belief, Perception, Perspective, Death, Qwing, Person, Behavior, Decision, Duties, Choices



Hunter, Madeleine. (2011). The Rules of Seduction. New York: Dell.
Fiction. Print. Page 101

My Thoughts:

The conversation was running around duties, expectations, obligations and dictates. Obviously because the book in question is a historical romance in the background of this conversation was (amongst other things) also the topic of getting an heir.

But in my opinion the thought behind this is that we can choose how much we do for someone else or for an idea or excpectation. we can choose how much we do and what we do. There can be demands end expectations, but in the end we can still choose what to do. We choose what we do.


More Background Information:

Author: Madeleine Hunter
Title: The Rules of Seduction
Language: English
Genres: Romance, Historical, Fiction
Series: The Rothwell Series
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 404
On Page: 101
Publisher: Dell; Reissue edition (October 31, 2006, New York)
ISBN-10: 0553587323
ISBN-13: 9780553587326
Edition: Dell Mass Market Edition: October 2011 (Reissue edition)
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