Friday, April 29, 2016

Shallow Love — Madeleine Hunter

“love is a shallow, brief emotion if there is no character to hold a man’s interest."

Madeleine Hunter
The Rules of Seduction


Love, Emotion, Character, Feeling, Interest


Hunter, Madeleine. (2011). The Rules of Seduction. New York: Dell.
Fiction. Print. Page 345-346

My Thoughts:

What makes love strong and what makes it shallow? Is love really love when it is shallow or is it then just a love-like emotion?

Anyway, the thought behind this is probably that deeper emotions can only be achieved when there is something deeper, a character behind it. Or can one love nothing or emptiness?


More Background Information:

Author: Madeleine Hunter
Title: The Rules of Seduction
Language: English
Genres: Romance, Historical, Fiction
Series: The Rothwell Series
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 404
On Page: 345-346
Publisher: Dell; Reissue edition (October 31, 2006, New York)
ISBN-10: 0553587323
ISBN-13: 9780553587326
Edition: Dell Mass Market Edition: October 2011 (Reissue edition)
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