Thursday, April 07, 2016

Dependent Woman — Madeleine Hunter

"a dependent woman is a woman enslaved."

Madeleine Hunter
The Rules of Seduction


Women, Dependence, Enslaved, Subjugation, Servitude,



Hunter, Madeleine. (2011). The Rules of Seduction. New York: Dell.
Fiction. Print. Page 115

My Thoughts:

The thought that when one is dependent on someone that one then is enslaved to that person isn't only restricted to women. Regardless of whom you are dependent of that dependency will probably have some sort of influence on you. It may be your employer, your customer or your parents. Depending on whom you are dependent of that will probably make you behave in different ways: going home earlier thn you want, spending time at work or trying to please someone. It is not a long stretch to think that dependency can be like slavery if it inluences your behavior enough or in a specific restricting way. But when does dependency turn into enslavement? Or does even a little dependency automatically mean subjugation? Not in my opinion, but what do I know...


More Background Information:

Author: Madeleine Hunter
Title: The Rules of Seduction
Language: English
Genres: Romance, Historical, Fiction
Series: The Rothwell Series
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 404
On Page: 115
Publisher: Dell; Reissue edition (October 31, 2006, New York)
ISBN-10: 0553587323
ISBN-13: 9780553587326
Edition: Dell Mass Market Edition: October 2011 (Reissue edition)
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