Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The King's Distant Subjects— James Alexander Thom

“Their King was two thousand miles away in London Town and surely gave no more thought to these distant subjects of his than they gave to him. If he was at war with France, how could it affect them here in this valley His Majesty had never even heard of?"

James Alexander Thom
Follow the River


King, Subjects, War, France, Majesty


Thom, James Alexander. (1983). Follow the River. Ballantine Books (Random House)
Fiction. Print. Page 5

My Thoughts:

The subjects have perhaps (probably) never seen the King, but still, his decision decide their lives and who is their enemy.

This quote was placed as a thought in Virginia, America in 1755. And of course the kings decisions would soon affect their lives in a major way.


More Background Information:

Author: James Alexander Thom
Title: Follow the River
Language: English
Genres: Historical, Biographical, Family Saga, Women's Adventure
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 406
On Page: 5
Publisher: Ballantine Books (1983) (Random House)
ISBN-10: 0345338545
ISBN-13: 9780345338549
On Amazon

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