Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Prison — Madeleine Hunter

“Any place is a prison if you are confined there and lack the freedom to leave."

Madeleine Hunter
The Rules of Seduction


Prison, Confined, Freedom, Lacking


Hunter, Madeleine. (2011). The Rules of Seduction. New York: Dell.
Fiction. Print. Page 257

My Thoughts:

This is not a new thought and has probably been said so many times that it can't be counted how many times it has been said. I am also probably going to add similar quotes later on. But still, it is a good thought: a prison doesn't need bars and locks. It just needs a certain lack of freedom. Thus a prison can be anywhere or anything. When you think about it even certain feelings or thoughts can be considered to be like a prison. 


More Background Information:

Author: Madeleine Hunter
Title: The Rules of Seduction
Language: English
Genres: Romance, Historical, Fiction
Series: The Rothwell Series
Category: Book, Print, Paperback
Pages: 404
On Page: 257
Publisher: Dell; Reissue edition (October 31, 2006, New York)
ISBN-10: 0553587323
ISBN-13: 9780553587326
Edition: Dell Mass Market Edition: October 2011 (Reissue edition)
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